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Security Deposits

Generally this is the process of accounting of Security Deposit collected from customers.

Type of Security Deposits:-

Cash Security Deposits (Accepted in terms of Cash or Check) Non-Cash Security Deposits (In terms of Bank Guarantee or Letter of Credits or other available means)

Security deposit can be created,

  • when you process a business partner move-in.
  • Wheen the consumption or load or any other parameter influencing the security deposit calculation is changed (Can be referred as additional security deposit)

Cash security deposits are offset against,

  • Receivables at the time of final settlement when a business partner move-out is processed.
  • or against current concumption charges to replace the cash security deposit to non-cash security deposit

Security Deposit Management:-

  • Collecting of security deposits.
  • Tracking of security deposits.
  • Refund of the security deposit

Sample Transaction Codes

Transaction CodeDescription
FPSEC1Create Security Deposit
FPSEC2Change Security Deposit
FPSEC3Display Security Deposit
FPD1Security Deposit Statistics Report
FPD2Overview of Security Deposits
FPI2Cash Security Deposit Interest
FPINTM2Cash Security Dep. Interest Run
FPRLRelease Cash Security Deposit

Sample Perocess Flow


SAP Reference IMG
- Financial Accounting
-- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
--- Business Transactions
---- Security Deposits

Number Range Object

Contract A/R & A/P Number Range: Security Deposit


Posting Areas:

Posting AreaDescription
0800Special Settings for Securities Furnished
0801Specifications for Clearing Security Deposits
1081Cash Deposit Interest: Specifications
1083Mass Activity Interest on Cash Security Deposit
1086Assign Transactions to Withholding Tax Code and Interest Key
R200Collateral transfer specifications for change of address
R201everse collateral transfer specifications for chnge of add.


FKK_SECSecurity Deposit
FKK_SEC_CContracts for Security Deposit
FKK_SEC_NNon cash Security Deposit
FKK_SEC_REQRequest Documents for Security Deposits
TFK_SECGeneral settings for security deposits
TFK_SEC_REASONReason for requesting a security deposit
TFK_SEC_REVReversal Reason for Security Deposit
TFK_SEC_STATUSNoncash security deposit status
TFK_SEC_TYPENoncash security deposit category

Authorization Objects

FI-CA security deposit:


Possible values

01 Create or generate
02 Change
03 Display
43 Release
85 Reverse

CoCode Authorization for FI-CA documents


Function Modules / BAPI

Function ModuleDescription
FKK_S_SECURITY_CREATECreate security deposit request
FKK_S_SECURITY_CHANGEChange security deposit request
FKK_S_SECURITY_DISPLAYRead security deposit request data
FKK_S_SECURITY_PROVIDEGet security deposit details
FKK_S_SEC_REVERSEReverse security deposit
FKK_DB_CASH_SECURITY_STATUS_NWGet status of security deposit
FKK_DB_SECURITY_FOR_ACCOUNTGet security deposit details for account
BAPI_CTRACSECURITY_GETDETAILGet security deposit details
BAPI_CTRACSECURITY_PRINTPrint security deposit
BAPI_CTRACSECURITY_REVERSEReverse security deposit
BAPI_CTRACCASHSECURITY_PARTRELBarsicherheit teilweise freigeben
BAPI_CTRACCASHSECURITY_RELEASERelease cash security deposit


Sample events related to security deposit handling:

EventDescriptionSample Module
0716Correspondence: Print Security RequestFKK_SAMPLE_0716 ISU_PRINT_SECURITY_0716
0717Correspondence: Create Security RequestFKK_SAMPLE_0717
0726Correspondence: Print Cash Sec.Dep.InterestFKK_SAMPLE_0726 ISU_PRINT_INTEREST_0712
0727Correspondence: Create Cash Sec.Dep.InterestFKK_SAMPLE_0727
0800Security Deposit: Determine TransactionFKK_SAMPLE_0800 ISU_EVENT_0800
0810Security Deposit: Determine AmountFKK_SAMPLE_0810
0820Security Deposit: Master Data CheckFKK_SAMPLE_0820
0830Security Deposit: Form PrintoutFKK_SAMPLE_0830 ISU_EVENT_0830
0840Security Deposit: Contract CheckFKK_SAMPLE_0840 ISU_EVENT_0840
0860Security Deposit: Due Date MonitoringFKK_SAMPLE_0860
0870Release of Cash Security Deposit: Additional ChecksFKK_SAMPLE_0870
1778Mass Activity: Cash Security Deposit Interest CalculationFKK_SAMPLE_1778_B
2005Cash Sec. Dep. Int: Interest Key DeterminationFKK_SAMPLE_2005 ISU_EVENT_2005

Archiving Objects

FI-CA: Security Deposit

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