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Payment Lots


Payment lot functions enables you to process incoming and outgoing payments using payment lots

If you are unable to assign payments received, you can initiate repayment within the payment lot which then can be processed via payment program.

Payment Sources

When payment initiated by the customer, the customer determines when to pay. Payments initiated by the customer can be processed by a payment lot or check lot or payment card lot or cash journal. The open items gets cleared automatically via the clearing procedure or you can assign payments manually to one or more open items. Payments that could not clear open items can be posted on an account or placed in the clarification worklist to be reviewed.

When payment initiated by the company, the company determines when to collect or disburse payments to or from the business partner. Payments initiated by the company are processed by the payment program to process both incoming payments (direct debit) and outgoing payments (bank transfer).

Sample Perocess Flow​

Payment/check lots are used in connection with payments initiated by business partners. Data from payments that have a common origin or that should be processed together are stored in one lot.

Payment/check lots can be created manually and can be automated with customer specific customizations.

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The general steps in payment lot processing are as follows:

  1. Create the Payment Lot: The payment lot can be created manually or by a program (bank statement file upload).

  2. Change the Payment Lot: Items can be inserted or deleted, corrections to items are permitted.

  3. Close the Payment Lot: Items can no longer be inserted or deleted; however, corrections to items are permitted.

  4. Post the Payment Lot: The payment lot can only be posted after it has been closed. Upon posting, payments are transferred to the contract accounts and postings are made to the appropriate clearing account. Payment differences can be automatically posted to special profit and loss accounts as per configurations.


  • Header (Data that applies to all items)
    • Document type,
    • Search term,
    • Posting date,
    • Bank clearing account,
    • Company code for the bank posting,
    • Currency,
    • Value date and
    • Reconciliation key Default Values:
    • clearing reason (incoming payments)
    • Selection categories (G for business partner or K for contract account).
  • Item(s)

Selection categories enable you to decide which fields are to be used to select open items via a screen variant. Additional selection categories can be defined in customizing and respective selection fields can be taken from the structure FKKOP.

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Selections within a line are linked by AND logic, while the different lines of the selections are linked by OR logic.

In the payment lot list entry, partial amounts can also be allocated.

It is possible to transfer post payments to clearing accounts using a short account assignment for which a company code and general ledger account are defined in customizing. This type of posting is necessary if a payment was received wrongly or target information coulod not be identified.

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Payment Advice Notes (PAN)​

You can also use the PAN number as selection criteria when entering a payment lot in addition to the business partner or the contract account. When the payment is posted, the system selects the open items of the business partner in the PAN. The system uses the entries in the PAN items to allocate clearing amounts to the selected items.

You can use the RFKKAV00 report to transfer payment advice notes from a sequential file, and generate one or more payment advice notes. It carries out the following activities:

  • Read the application server file specified and check the data contained therein.
  • Create one or more payment advice notes, provided the data records are correct.
  • Close the payment advice notes, provided the corresponding indicator is set.
  • Defective data records are saved separately and can be transferred after correction.

Payment Lots from Bank Statement​

Payment lots are created and processed automatically if the payments are transferred in the form of a bank statement file (usual case).

You can use transaction FPB7 to select payments, returns and payment orders that are imported into the bank data memory. If required, the data can be transferred directly to a payment lot, payment order lot or returns lot.

Alternatively, you can output selected data from the bank data memory in a file. In another step, you can then import the created files into payment lots, payment order lots or return lots.

You can do this using the RFKKZE00 (payments, payment orders) and RFKKRL00 (returns) reports. The system uses the business transaction and the amount +/- sign to decide the lot type to which a payment position is transferred.

You can use transaction FPB17 if you convert country-specific bank formats into the Multi Cash format. Data from the Multi Cash statement file and line item file are transferred to payment and returns lots.

In customizing, you can define the rules for the automatic analysis of note to payee texts for the automatic transfer of payment data to payment lots. Using the values determined, the system then determines the selection criteria for the assignment of payments to receivables.

In customizing, you can specify a check procedure for the interpretation of the note to payee (sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_SEL_TYPE_CHECK). You can use transaction FP_NOTE_TEST to test the note to payee analysis. You can use event 0950 for additional selections when payment data is transferred

Clarifications Processing​

Items requiring clarification arise when you post a payment/check lot but either some or all payments could not be posted. When you post a payment/check lot, these items are posted to an interim account and included in a clarification worklist.

You can transfer these items from the interim account to a contract account, if you process the worklist. You can process the posting for a payment, for a payment lot or for all clarification cases for more than one payment/check lot.

SAP provides two standard workflows to support the clarification worklist processing as below:

  1. WS21000078 to allocate a clarification case to a processor before it is sent to an agent in the workflow inbox. Agent assignment and agent restriction ensure that clarification cases are only assigned to an agent once. This means that if an agent cannot process and complete a clarification case, this case is sent automatically to another agent.

  2. WS21000077 to forward a clarification case from agent to agent, if an agent cannot clarify a case. You should activate the Workflow Direct Switch indicator in the general workflow customizing settings, so that the Next Processor query appears immediately after processing.

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The selection options of the clarification list enable you to restrict the open clarification cases according to clarification accounts and account holders.

  • Role 2100008 Limited Selection Clarification Worklist and
  • Role 2100009 Limited to Acute Clarification Cases to define mapping rules and thereby assign each clarification case to at least one processor or group of processors.

Transaction PFAC_INS to create mapping rules.

Activate roles for clarifications:

With this you can activate the roles for the clarification process for the application object PLOT (Payment Lot).

>Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
>Technical Settings
>Prepare Processing of Clarification Worklist

You can use the report RFKKUMBKL to transfer payments that are in clarification and that you cannot assign, and thereby remove them from the clarification worklist. Carry out the transfer posting by specifying a short account assignment to which a minimum retention period is assigned.

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You can use the following functions if the credit use has to be clarified for a business partner:
  • Credit clarification
    • Function to process the following types of credit:
      • Credit that was previously selected by the mass activity Generate Credit List and sent to clarification processing
      • Credit that was directly included in the clarification worklist as a result of customizing settings
  • Credit processing
    • To manually process individual credit that has not been entered by the credit list

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The Remain and Send Letter processing activities are available only within credit clarification.

Sample Transaction Codes​

Transaction CodeDescription
FP05Entering and Posting Payments Manually
FP25Incoming check lot Check lots are special payment lots that are created to post check payments.
FP35Credit card lot
FP45Payment Order Lot
FPCPLClarification Processing (Payment Lot)
FP05CLEWorklist: Payment Lot
FP30Find Payment
FPRUOverview of Repayment Requests
FP18Reverse Repayment Request


>Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
>Business Transactions
>Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments

Number Range Object​

Posting Areas:​

Posting AreaDescription
1030Default Values for Payment Lot
1031Default Values for Check Lot
1033Default Values for Credit Card Lot
1040Incoming Payment Interim Account
0080Clearing Account for Incoming Checks
0130Repayment of Incoming Payments


DFKKCFZSTClarification Cases: Payment Lot
DFKKZARepayment Request
DFKKZFPayment lot: Reconciliation key
DFKKZKPayment lot: Header data
DFKKZNPayment Lot: Notes for Clarification
DFKKZPPayment lot: Data for payment
DFKKZPEPayment lot: Error message for payment item
DFKKZPTPayment Lot: Data for Partial Clearing of a Payment
DFKKZRPayment form
DFKKZSPayment lot: Further selections
DFKKZVPayment Lot: Enhancement of Note to Payee
DFK006BXNote to Payee - Texts
TFK012Bank clearing accounts

Authorization Objects​


Possible values

011 Reopen Closed Payment Lot
012 Reopen Closed Returns Lot
013 Change Bank Data for Repayment from Payment Lot
014 Change Check Number in Closed Check Lot

Function Modules / BAPI​

Function ModuleDescription
FKK_PAYMENT_BATCH_CLARIFY_ITEMKlärungsbearbeitung für eine Zahlung
FKK_PAYMENT_BATCH_LOCK_ITEMZahlungsposition sperren
FKK_PAYMENT_BATCH_POSTBuchen eines Zahlungsstapels
FKK_SELTAB_RESOLVE_EXTERNALSAuflösen externer Selektionen (T_SELTAB wird verändert)
FKK_OPEN_ITEM_DUPLICATE_CHECKPrĂĽfen, ob Posten selektiert sind, die schon zum Ausgleich vorgemerkt sind
FKK_CREATE_DOC_MASS_AND_CLEARBuchen Beleg mit Ausgleich im Vetragskontokorrent (Massendaten)
FKK_PAYMENT_BATCH_FIND_PAYMENTZahlungsstapelposition zu einem Zahlungsbeleg ermitteln
FKK_NOTE_TEXT_READFinds stored contract account info by text of note to payee
VKEZ_PAYMLOT_BATCH_READ_0950IS-IS-CD 0950: Zahlungsstapelübernahme - Selektion ergänzen






RFKKZSTBPost payment lot
RFKKZE00Transfer program for payment lot
RFKKKA00Data Transfer from FI Bank Statement to Payment/Returns Lot
RFKKPLADJPayment Lot: Correct Incorrect Status


EventDescriptionSample Module
0210Clearing: Selection Criteria: External -> InternalFKK_SAMPLE_0240, ISU_ALLOCATION_EVENT_0240
0211Payment Lot: Propose Key for New LotFKK_SAMPLE_0211
0215Payment Lot: Copy Bank Details from ClarificationFKK_SAMPLE_0215
0220Payment Lot: Swap SelectionsFKK_SAMPLE_0220
0221Payment Lot: Selection Proposal f. Where-Used TxtFKK_SAMPLE_0221
0222Payment Lot: Include Screen for Customer FieldsFKK_SAMPLE_0222
0230Payment Lot: Exchange All SelectionsFKK_SAMPLE_0230
0231Payment Lot: Supplement Credit Card Data for PostingFKK_SAMPLE_0231
0232Payment Lot: Additional Data for ItemFKK_SAMPLE_0232
0233Payment Lot: Set Payment Date for Interest CalculationFKK_SAMPLE_0233
0234Payment Lot: Before PostingFKK_SAMPLE_0234
0235Payment Lot: Limit Search for Similar KeysFKK_SAMPLE_0235
0240Payment Header: Check HeaderFKK_SAMPLE_0240, ISU_ALLOCATION_EVENT_0240
0241Payment Lot: New Reconciliation KeyFKK_SAMPLE_0241
0242Payment Lot: Check ItemFKK_SAMPLE_0242, FKK_EVENT_0242_CVS, ISU_ALLOCATION_EVENT_0242_NEW
0243Payment Lot: Add ItemFKK_SAMPLE_0243
0262Payment Lot: Check Additional SelectionFKK_SAMPLE_0262
0950Payment Lot Transfer: Increase SelectionFKK_SAMPLE_0950
0951Übernahme Zahlungsstapel: Zahlungsstapelkopf ergänzenFKK_SAMPLE_0951
0953Account Stmt Transfer: Supplement Payment ItemFKK_SAMPLE_0953
0954Account Statement Transfer: Supplement Payment Lot HeaderFKK_SAMPLE_0954
0956Acct Statement Tfr: Supplement Pymt Order Lot HdrFKK_SAMPLE_0956
0957Acct Statement Tfr: Supplement Payment Order ItemFKK_SAMPLE_0957
6027Cash Desk: Additional Info for Payment LotFKK_SAMPLE_6027

Function Groups​

Function GroupDescriptionProgram
FKZ0Payment processingSAPLFKZ0
FKZ0ARPayment Lot: Archive AccessesSAPLFKZ0AR
FKZ0GOSGeneric Services for Payment LotSAPLFKZ0GOS
FKZ0SServices for Payment LotSAPLFKZ0S
FKZ1Return payment requestsSAPLFKZ1
FKZ2Service Functions for PaymentsSAPLFKZ2
FKZ3Payment Form Number AdministrationSAPLFKZ3
FKZ4Service Modules for Payment LotSAPLFKZ4
FKZ5Payment OrdersSAPLFKZ5
FKZ6Services for Payment LotSAPLFKZ6


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