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Interest Calculation


With the Interest Calculation you can calculate interest for open and cleared debit and credit items. It is also possible to calculate interest for installment plans and cash security deposits.

Sample Transaction Codes​

Transaction CodeDescription
FPI1Calculate Interest Individually
FPINTM1Interest Run
FPI2Interest on Cash Security Deposit
FPINTM2Cash Security Deposit Interest Run
FPI3Overdue Interest for Installment Plan
FPI4Display Interest Calculation

Sample Perocess Flow​


>Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
>Business Transactions
>Interest Calculation

Number Range Object​

Posting Areas:​

Posting AreaDescription
1080Interest Calculation Specifications
1081Cash Deposit Interest: Specifications
1082Mass Activity Interest Calculation
1083Mass Activity Interest on Cash Security Deposit
1084Additional Functions for Interest Calculation
1085Interest on Arrears: Specifications
1086Assign Transactions to Withholding Tax Code and Interest Key
1105Installment Plan Interest: Specifications


DFKKIADatabase table for FKKIA – interest supplement
DFKKIAPTInterest Calculation: Log for Interest Run
DFKKIHFI-CA: Table with Interest History

Authorization Objects​


Function Modules / BAPI​

Function ModuleDescription
FKK_CREATE_INTEREST_DOCBucht einen Zinsbeleg im Dialog
FKK_CREATE_INTEREST_DOC_MASSBucht einen Zinsbeleg aus einer Massenaktivität heraus
FKK_DB_TFK056A_SINGLELiest Steuerparameter zu einem Zinsschluessel IKEY
FKK_DB_TFK057_SINGLEErmittelt Grenzbeträge für Verzinsung
FKK_INSTPLAN_INTEREST_ACTUALZinsbeleg beim Ă„ndern eines Ratenplans
FKK_INSTPLAN_POST_INTEREST_DOCZinsbeleg beim Anlegen eines Ratenplans
FKK_INTEREST_APPENDIX_CREATEFI-CA: Erzeugt einen Zinsanhang zu einem Zinsbeleg auf der Datenbank
FKK_INTEREST_APPENDIX_READFI-CA: Lesen des kompletten Zinsanhangs zu einem Zinsbeleg
FKK_INTEREST_APPENDIX_UPDATEFI-CA: Aktualisieren einen Zinsanhang zu einem Zinsbeleg auf der Datenbank
FKK_INTEREST_CALCBerechnung von Zinsen
FKK_INTEREST_CALC_FOR_P2PZinsen berechnen fĂĽr Zahlungsversprechen
FKK_INTEREST_CHECK_TODATPrĂĽfbaustein auf das Datum Verzinsung bis fĂĽr Postenverzinsung
FKK_INTEREST_DOC_CHECKPrĂĽfung ob es sich bei einem Beleg um einen Zinsbeleg handelt
FKK_INTEREST_DOC_DISPLAYAnzeige der Zinsberechnung zu einem Zinsbeleg
FKK_INTEREST_DOC_PROVIDELesen eines Zinsbelegs
FKK_INTEREST_HISTORY_CREATEFI-CA: Wegschreiben der Zinshistorie
FKK_INTEREST_HISTORY_FOR_DOCFI-CA: Lesen der Zinshistorie (Storno, Ratenplan, Sicherheiten etc.)
FKK_INTEREST_HISTORY_GETFI-CA: Lesen der Zinshistorie zu einem Posten
FKK_INTEREST_POST_FOR_P2PZinsen buchen fĂĽr Zahlungsversprechen
FKK_INTEREST_REVERSEStornieren eines Zinsbeleges
FKK_OPENITEM_POST_INTEREST_DOCZinsbeleg zu offenen Posten
FKK_SAMPLE_1778_BMassenaktivität: Barsicherheitsverzinsung
FKK_SAMPLE_1788_BMassenaktivität: Verzinsung von Sollposten
FKK_TFK056C_CHECKFI-CA: Pruefung ob ein Ausgleichsgrund fĂĽr die Verzinsung gesperrt ist


RFKKINT_MASS_LOGInterest Calculation Overview


EventDescriptionSample Module
1778Mass Activity: Cash Security Deposit Interest Calculation
1788Mass Activity: Interest Calculation for Line Items
1789Mass Activity: Line Item Interest Calculation, Move Parameters
2000Interest: Determine Interest Key for Items
2005Cash Sec. Dep. Int: Interest Key Determination
2010Interest: Exclude Items
2015Interest on Cash Security Deposit: Item Check
2020Special Interest: Exclude Item
2030Interest: Set Additional Texts for Dialog Processing
2040Interest: Check Amount Limit
2045Interest: Additional Activities
2050Interest: Apply Alternative Interest Key
2055Interest: Interest Calculation on Clearing
2060Interest: Print
2065Interest: Set Value Date
2070Interest: No Interest Calculation for Credit
2075Interest: Rounding of Calculated Interest
2080Interest: Check on Balance Interest Calculation
2085Interest. Summarize Items for Interest Calculation
2087Interest: Distribute Items for Interest Calculation
2090Interest: Change Tolerance Days and Interest Calculation Per
2092Interest: Set No Interest Days for Good Payers
2095Interest: Calculate Net Amount for Interest Calculation
2097Interest: Source Items/Inst. Plan Assgt in Inst.Plan Int.Calc

Mass Activities​


Function Groups​

Function GroupProgramDescription
FKBISAPLFKBIFI-CA: Common function modules for interest
FKI1SAPLFKI1FI-CA: Interest (item interest calc)
FKI2SAPLFKI2FI-CA: Interest Calc: History & Supplement
FKI3SAPLFKI3FI-CA: Interest Calculation Customizing
FKI4SAPLFKI4FI-CA: Interest maintenance dialogs
FKI5SAPLFKI5FI-CA: Loan calculation – interest
FKI6SAPLFKI6Interest Calculation Add. Functions
FKI7SAPLFKI7FI-CA: Parameter Group Interest
FKI8SAPLFKI8FI-CA: Mass run interest
FKI9SAPLFKI9FI-CA: Mass Selection of Items

Archiving Object​



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