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Master Data

The master data contains data that remains unchanged over a long period of time.

Mainly categorized as,

  • Business Master Data
  • Technical Master Data

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Depending on the industry type there are different data models.

BRIM Master Data:

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ISU Data Model

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  • 1 Business Partner : n Contract Accounts
  • 1 Contract Account : n Contracts
  • 1 Contract : 1 Installation (time-dependent)
  • 1 Connection Object : n Premises
  • 1 Connection Object : n Device Locations
  • 1 Premise : n Installations
  • Device relations depend on scenario

Business Master Data

Any master data that is used for billing a customer for the services provided is grouped under Business data. For e.g., a business partner who is a person or an organization

Business Partner

The business partner represents a person or organization for which you have to process receivables and payments.

alt text “Business partner” is the generic term used to refer to the parties involved in your interactions with customers. It can be any of Account, Contact or Employee.

A business partner can also be extended to various partner roles (e.g., general business partner, contract partner, customer, or vendor)

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The business partner must exist in the role MKK Contract Partner to be usable in FI-CA.

The business partner role MKK must have a validity period to December 31, 9999.

For business partners who should be used as contract partners in subscription order processing, add the role Customer (FLCU01) or any other role belonging to this category.

For business partners associated with sales processes executed in S/4HANA, add the role FI Customer (FLCU00).

When working in a partner settlement scenario, add the role Vendor (FLVN00).

The business partner category must be selected when a business partner is created and cannot be changed afterwards. It is not possible to create any other business partner categories in customizing. The business partner group can freely be defined and controls the number range.

The business partner can have different addresses for different functions, which are classified according to address types defined in customizing (correspondence and delivery address). The business partner can only have one single standard address

Business Partner CategoryThe data that is available for your business transactions depends on the business partner category
Business Partner RoleA business partner can take on different business partner roles , which allow different views of the business partner data depending on the business function
Business Partner RelationshipA relationship connects two business partners and is characterized by the business partner relationship category
Business Partner Group HierarchyYou can represent the structure of an organization using the business partner group hierarchy

Sample Transaction Codes

Transaction CodeDescription
BUPTBusiness Partner Configuration Menu
CAWMBusiness Partner Configuration Menu
FPP1Create Contract Partner
FPP2Change Contract Partner
FPP3Display Contract Partner
FPP4Maintain Payment Data
BPDisplay Business Partner
UKM_BPDisplay Credit Management Business Partner

Sample Perocess Flow


SAP Reference IMG
- Financial Accounting
-- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
--- Basic Function
---- Contract Partner

Business Partner Number Range:

SAP Reference IMG
- Cross Application Components
-- SAP Business Partner
--- Business Partner
---- Basic Settings
----- Number Ranges and Groupings
------ Define number ranges

Assign Business Partner number range to Grouping:

SAP Reference IMG
- Cross Application Components
-- SAP Business Partner
--- Business Partner
---- Basic Settings
----- Number Ranges and Groupings
------ Define Groupings and assign number ranges

BP Role: (T-Code: BUSD)

SAP Reference IMG
- Cross Application Components
-- SAP Business Partner
--- Business Partner
---- Basic Settings
----- Business Partner Roles
------ Define BP Roles

Make any field as mandatory or optional or hide based for BP role we can do in below path:

SAP Reference IMG
- Cross Application Components
-- SAP Business Partner
--- Business Partner
---- Basic Settings
----- Field Groupings
------ Configure Field Attribute per BP role

Iden tification Categores:

SAP Reference IMG
- Cross Application Components
-- SAP Business Partner
--- Business Partner
---- Basic Settings
----- identification numbers
------ Define identification Categories

Identification Types:

SAP Reference IMG
- Cross Application Components
-- SAP Business Partner
--- Business Partner
---- Basic Settings
----- identification numbers
------ Define identification types

Create Partner Roles:

SAP Reference IMG
- Material Management
-- Purchasing
--- Partner Determination
---- Partner Roles
----- Define Partner Roles

Assign Partner Roles to Account Group:

SAP Reference IMG
- Material Management
-- Purchasing
--- Partner Determination
---- Partner Roles
----- Define Permissible partner roles per account group

Define Partner Schema:

SAP Reference IMG
- Material Management
-- Purchasing
--- Partner Determination
---- Partner settings in supplier master record
----- Define partner schemas

Assign Partner Schema to account groups:

SAP Reference IMG
- Material Management
-- Purchasing
--- Partner Determination
---- Partner settings in supplier master record
----- Assign Partner Schemas to account group

Authorization Objects

Authorization objects for the business partner:

Business Partner: Authorization Groups


With this authorization object, you control which BPs can be accessed based on the authorization group. This authorization object is used to group the BPs so that only a selected number of users can access these BPs. The value for the group is entered when a BP is being created or changed.


This field controls which activities are allowed.

Possible values:

01 = Create, 
02 = Change,
03 = Display,
F4 = Display in input help,
06 = Delete,
* = All activities

Authorization Group field controls the BP groups that the activities are defined for.

Business Partner: Authorization Types


With this authorization object, you control which BP roles can be accessed.

Possible values:

01 = Create, 
02 = Change,
03 = Display,
F4 = Display in input help,
06 = Delete,
* = All activities

BP Role field controls the BP roles that the activities are defined for. You can use an asterisk (*) to apply the authorization to all BP roles.

Business Partner: Field Groups


With this authorization object you can define authorizations for individual field groups in business partner maintenance. You thereby define which fields in business partner maintenance can be maintained or viewed by a user.

The authorization object consists of the following fields:

Field Group

Here you define which field groups require authorization.


This field controls which activities are allowed.

Possible values:

01 = Create
02 = Change
03 = Display
06 = Delete
* = All activities

Business Partner: BP Roles


Business Partner Relationships: Relationship Categories


With this authorization object, you control which BP relationship categories can be processed.

Possible values:

01 = Create, 
02 = Change,
03 = Display,
F4 = Display in input help,
06 = Delete,
* = All activities

Relationship Category field controls the BP relationship categories that the activities are defined for. You can use an asterisk (*) to apply the authorization to all BP relationship categories.

Business Partner Relationships: Field Groups


With this authorization object, you can define authorizations for individual field groups in business partner relationship maintenance. You thereby define which fields of the business partner relationship can be maintained or viewed by a user.

The authorization object consists of the following fields:

Field Group

Here you define which field groups require authorization.


This field controls which activities are allowed.

Possible values:

01 = Create
02 = Change
03 = Display
06 = Delete
* = All activities

With this authorization object, you control whether a user has the authorization to view, block, or unblock BPs. The authorization object consists of the field Activity. This field controls which activities are allowed.

Possible values:

03 = Display
05 = Block
95 = Unblock
49 = Request

With this authorization object, you control authorizations for addresses of BPs. This check is performed only on BP instances with employee personal addresses. The authorization object consists of the following fields:


This field controls which activities are allowed.

Possible values:

01 = Create
02 = Change
03 = Display
06 = Delete
F4 = Display in input help
* = All activities

SENSTVT To grant access to the employee personal address data, use E.

With this authorization object, you control authorizations for bank records of BPs. This check is performed only on BP instances with employee personal bank records.

The authorization object consists of the following fields:


This field controls which activities are allowed.

Possible values:

01 = Create
02 = Change
03 = Display
06 = Delete
F4 = Display in input help
* = All activities

SENSTVT To grant access to the employee personal bank data, use E.

Authorization object for customer master data:


Function Modules

Function ModuleDescription
BUPA_SEPA_MANDATES_CHANGEWrapper API to change SEPA Mandates for a Business Partners
BUPA_SEPA_MANDATES_GETLISTWrapper API to get SEPA Mandates for Business Partners

Below function module can search for objects in the technical master data (such as installation, installation facts, devices, and registers) belonging to a business partner or contract account.


Below function module can be used to determine address numbers.



EventDescriptionSample Module
1050Business Partner: Check Dependencies to Partner
1051Business Partner: Add Check Digits
1052Business Partner: Report Changes
1053Business Partner: Determine BKVID for Automatic Creation
1054Business Partner: Determine CCARD_ID for Automatic Creation
1055Emulation of Parameters in FKK_BUPA_MAINTAIN_SINGLE
1056Business Partner: Determine Business Partner
1080Change Bank Data: Determine Contracts for Business Partner
1081Change Bank Data: Print Correspondence
1082Change Bank Data: Create Correspondence
1083Change Payment Data: Modify Contract Account Change
1084Change Payment Data: Restrict VKONT/VTREF Selected
1085Change Payment Data: Enqueue/Dequeue for VTREF
1086Change Payment Data: Display VTREF
1087Change Payment Data: Modify VTREF Changes


PackageShort Description
BUPASAP Business Partner
FKKBContract A/R & A/P: Central Objects
FKK_PRIVACYFI-CA: Data Privacy for Personal Data

Function Group

Function GroupProgramShort Description
BUBA_3SAPLBUBA_3SAP BP: External BAPI Function Modules
FKG0SAPLFKG0FI-CA applic. for BP maintenance (CBP)
FKG1SAPLFKG1Mass Activities for Shadow Table
FKGPSAPLFKGPSubscreen: Business Partner Header Line
FKGP_DUPLSAPLFKGP_DUPLDuplicate Check on Creation of BPartner
FKKCSAPLFKKCContract Acct Maint. in Bus.Partner Meth.
FKKC2SAPLFKKC2Contract Account Functions
FKKDPBSAPLFKKDPBData Protection: Central Check Modules
FKKGSAPLFKKGBusiness Partner Selection Window
FKKUSAPLFKKUUpdate Modules for Account


BUT000BP: General data I
BUT001BP: General data II
BUT020BP: Addresses
BUT021BP: Address usages
BUT021_FSTime-Dependent Address Usages
BUT0BANKBusiness Partner: Bank Data
BUT0BKBP: Bank Details
BUT100BP: Roles

Archiving Objects

The archiving object for business partners


If a business partner is a customer, you have to archive all FI data using archiving object FI_ACCRECV before you can archive the business partner. This principle also applies to vendors (archiving object FI_ACCPAYB) and contract accounts (archiving object FI_FICA) accordingly.

Contract Account

The contract account is a unit that groups business partner postings. Before a document can be posted, a contract account must be assigned to a business partner in the role MKK.

The contract account category defines the following attributes:

  • The number range that is allowed for external or internal number assignment.
  • The editing screens or data fields of the contract account transaction
  • Whether you can assign one or more business partners
  • Whether you can assign one or more contracts
  • Whether it is a collective bill account
  • Whether it is a one-time account

The contract account data controls the FI-CA processes:

  • The clearing category controls payment allocation and the clearing of receivables.
  • The dunning procedure determines the dunning levels and the dunning activities.
  • The account determination ID is used to determine the general ledger accounts.
  • The payment term determines the due date and the cash discount deadline.
  • The creditworthiness reflects a business partner's payment patterns.
  • The interest key determines the conditions for interest calculation.
  • The tolerance group defines limits for payment differences.

Payment Terms:

The FI-CA payment terms contain data for determining the due date and cash discount terms.

The FI-CA payment terms reference FI payment terms for receivables (incoming payment) and payables (outgoing payment).

The FI-CA payment terms support the due date correction to a working day in connection with the factory calendar.

The FI-CA payment terms support the single-level cash discount procedure.

The FI payment terms provide different rules for determining the due date for receivables and payables.

Processing Locks

Postings to a contract account can be prevented by a central posting lock. This prevents postings, clearing, reversal and clearing reset for the involved account.

In addition, the open items in this account are not dunned.

During online clearing processing, open items of locked contract accounts are flagged with an appropriate icon. It is not possible to activate these items.

Individual business processes can also be prevented by locks. You can set these locks for all items at contract account level or at the level of an individual item in the parametrization table.

The lock reason is defined in customizing and can have a time limit. Once this limit has expired, the locks are deactivated.

Company Code Group

The company code group includes all company codes that can be used to post to a contract account.

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One company code group is assigned to each contract account. Company code groups can overlap.

For example, group 1 can consist of company codes 0001, 0002 and 0003, and group 2 can consist of company codes 0001 and 0003.

You can use event 1010 to check whether a company code group is permitted in a contract account. This enables you to prevent cross-country groups from being used, for example. Paying Company Code.

Paying Company Code

Exactly one paying company code is always assigned to each company code group in customizing.

A paying company code is responsible for payment transactions.

You have to define house banks and payment methods for paying company codes.

Several company code groups can have the same paying company code. The paying company code does not have to be in the company code group itself.

You can also specify the paying company code in a business partner item. In this case, the specified code overrides the paying company code determined via the company code group of the contract account. If a paying company code specified in the line item is in a different country than the paying company code determined via the contract account, you also have to specify a payment method in the line item. In this case, you cannot use the payment methods from the contract accounts because they refer to a different country.

Standard Company Code

A standard company code is allocated to each contract account. You use the standard company code for all postings for which no company code can be determined by other means (payment on account).

Sample Transaction Codes

Transaction CodeDescription
CAA1Create Contract Account
CAA2Change Contract Account
CAA3Display Contract Account

Sample Perocess Flow


SAP Reference IMG
- Financial Accounting
-- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
--- Basic Function
---- Contract Accounts

Number Range Object

Posting Areas:

Posting AreaDescription


FKKVKContract Account Header
FKKVKPContract Account Partner-Specific

Authorization Objects

FI-CA Contract Account: Authorization Group


FI-CA Contract Account: Company Code Authorization


Contract Account: Authorization for Individual Field Groups


FI-CA Contract Acct: Contract Acct Type Authorization


Function Modules / BAPI

Function ModuleDescription
FKK_ACCOUNT_UPDATEFortschreiben des Kontos zu einem Geschäftspartner
FKK_PARTNER_CHECKGeschäftspartner prüfen
FKK_PARTNER_NAME_GETsetzt den Namen des Geschäftspartners zu einem String zusammen


EventDescriptionSample Module
1010Contract Account: Check Company Code Group
1017Contract Account: Determine Proposal Values
1018Contract Account: Header Data for Direct Input
1019Contract Account: Add Check Digits
1020Contract Account: Hold Data for Exchange with CRM
1021Contract Account: Trigger Data Exchange with CRM
1022Contract Account: Set Business Agreement Class for CRM
1023Contract Account: Set Standard Agreement for CRM
1024Contract Account: Set Contr. Acct Cat. for Creation via CRM
1025Contract Account: Report Changes
1026Contract Account: Check Dependencies for Deletion Indicator
1027Contract Account: Determine Name for Display
1028Account: Region Check
1030Contract Account: Update BI Delta Queue
9501BAPI: Create Contract Account
9502BAPI: Change Contract Account

Archiving Objects


Sample Transaction Codes

Transaction CodeDescription
ES20Create Contract
ES21Change Contract
ES22Display Contract

Sample Perocess Flow


SAP Reference IMG
- Financial Accounting
-- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
--- Business Transactions
---- Security Deposits

Number Range Object

Posting Areas:

Posting AreaDescription
0500Contract: Determine Standard Account Assignment

Available functions: Company Code, Profit Center, Segment, Std Division, Business Area.

Technical Field Names: BUKRS, PRCTR, SEGMT, STDSP, GSBER



Authorization Objects

Possible values

Function Modules / BAPI

Function ModuleDescription


EventDescriptionSample Module
0200Contract: Determine Account and Partner
0201Contract: Determine Name
0202Contract: Search Help VTREF/GPART/VKONT
0203Contract Interval: Determine Account and Partner
0204Contract: Search for Similar Numbers
0205Contract: Master Data Existence Check
0206Contract: Collective Search Help for Contract Ref.
0207Input Help VTRE2 Dependent on VTREF/GPART/VKONT
0208Accounting Transfer: Determine Contract ID from GUID
0209Determine GPART/VKONT for VTREF/VTREF Table
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