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You can create correspondence based on individual requests, such as account information, or based on mass requests, such as invoice printing, dunning notices, or returns notifications.

Determine Sender: It is the standard company code determined from the contract account. You can custolize settings with event 760.

Determine Recepient: The business partner in a business process receives correspondence. Moreover, at contract account or business partner level you can define alternative (replacing the original recepient) and additional recipients (Both original and additional recepinet receives correspondence). You can custolize settings with event 770.

Determine Address: You can define one address type for each correspondence type. Correspondence of this type is then sent to this address type. You can add custom logic to determine the address via event 0773.

Correspondence Type: It groups correspondence of the same category & define which data can be temporarily stored in the correspondence container for creating correspondence.

Single correspondence: It can be created as required from a business transaction for individual business partners.

Individual Correspondence:

You create single correspondence as required from a business transaction for individual business partners.

Sample correspondences:

Correspondence TypeUsage
Changes to contract account (0004)If a customer notifies you of changes to his bank details, once you have changed the bank data for the contract account, you can send the customer a confirmation.
Installment plan (0005)If you have agreed on installment payments with a customer, you can send him an installment plan notification.
Interest notification (0007)If you calculate interest on a customer's items, you can notify him or her of this.
Cash desk receipt (0009)Document for customer
Cash desk closing (0010)Printout of cash desk closing
Security deposit request (0012)You use this correspondence type if you want to request a security deposit from a customer.
Account information (0013)Account information is printed separately on customer request.
Document (0014)When you are displaying or changing documents, you can also print them.
Cash security deposit interest notification (0018)You can use this correspondence type to inform your customers of interest on cash security deposits.
Online check (0021)You use this correspondence type to create individual outgoing checks online for customers.
Payment form from account balance (0022)If, for example, a customer informs you by telephone that he wishes to pay arrears, you can display the account balance to determine the items concerned and then send a payment form from the account balance.
Master data change (0030)You can use this correspondence type to inform your business partners about changes to their master data (business partner, contract account, contract).
Clarification notification (0032)If you cannot assign a credit, in credit clarification, you can create and print a clarification notification for the business partner concerned.
Query regarding incoming payment clarification (0035)Queries addressed to the house bank or others affected by a clarification case in a payment lot
Bank data change (0036)Confirmation of changes to bank data in the transaction Change Bank Data.
Dispute cases (Dispute Management) (0038)Definition of correspondence addresses for use in Dispute Case Processing in SAP Dispute Management.
Request (0039)Printing of requests and standing requests.
Bank data change (0040)Confirmation of changes to payment card data in the transaction Change Bank Data
Generic PDF form (0400)Manual Correspondence Creation

Mass Correspondence:

You create periodic correspondence for periodically recurring business transactions for a number of business partners.

Sample correspondences:

Correspondence TypeUsage
Returns (0001)If a bank return arises from a debit or collection procedure, a check deposit, or a payment, you can send the customer a returns notification and/or a payment form.
Account statement (0002)Account statements show a customer's receivables and payables and are created periodically.
Dunning (0003)You use dunning notices to remind business partners that their payables are overdue and to request payment.
Payment advice note (0006)In Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, payment advice notes are covering letters for outgoing payments. They are entered when the note to payee text exceeds the length of the Note to Payee field. They are therefore a supplement to the note to payee.
Payment form for installment plan (0008)If you have agreed on installment payments with a customer, you can send him payment forms for the individual installments.
Check (0015)You use the check correspondence type for the mass creation of checks if, for example, you want to make payments of credits to your customers as part of a final invoicing.
Payment notification (0019)You can use payment notifications to confirm incoming payments and to request information about the payment from the customer.
Correspondence dunning notice (0020)You can use correspondence dunning notices to request specific correspondence such as tax statements or broker reports. You can also use correspondence type 0020 for dunning inbound correspondence so that you can send your customer a reminder before the correspondence is actually due. These reminders are realized as an optional dunning level.
Reminder before expiry of tax exemption (0023)Using the transaction Monitor Tax Exemption, you can monitor the validity of tax exemptions. If the key date for the expiry of an exemption has been reached, the program creates a correspondence for each contract account checked
Contract account balance notification (0026)A balance notification contains the account balance of a business partner. The balance is created on the basis of open items. Event 9552 can be used to decide whether a balance notification is to be created or not.
Business partner statement (0029)A business partner statement contains all the open items for a business partner. The balance is created on the basis of open items.
Notification of bills, credit memos (0031)In SAP Biller Direct , you can inform your customers about new bills or credit memos by SMS or e-mail.
Write-off notification (0034)In a write-off notification, you can inform customers that you are waiving certain receivables or parts of receivables.
Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (0042)The invoicing documents created in Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable are sent to customers as invoices.
Promise to pay (0045)You can send correspondence to the business partner when a promise to pay is created and in the case where a promise to pay is not fulfilled.
SEPA mandate (0047)After a bank is changed or a new bank is created, you can have the system automatically create a correspondence request for the automatically changed or created SEPA mandate.
SEPA direct debit pre-notification (0048)The system creates a correspondence request with correspondence type 0048 for each direct debit pre-notification.
Contract confirmation (provider contract) (0050)When you conclude new contracts, you can send a contract confirmation to business partners.
Dunning telephone list (3003)Using correspondence type 3003, you can use the correspondence recipient control to enter an alternative business partner in the telephone list created in the dunning activity run.

Sample Transaction Codes

Transaction CodeDescription
Transaction Short Description
EFRMPrint Workbench: Application Form
FPCC0002Create Account Statements
FPCC0026Balance Notification Account Creation
FPCC0029Create Business Partner Statement
FPCC0034Generate Write-Off Notification
FPCOPARACorrespondence Printing

Sample Perocess Flow


>Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
>Basic Functions

Number Range Object

Posting Areas:

Posting AreaDescription


DFKKCODCorrespondence - Correspondence Data
DFKKCODCLUSTCorrespondence - Correspondence Cluster Data
DFKKCOHCorrespondence - Correspondence Header
DFKKCOHICorrespondence - Correspondence History
DFKKCOMACorrespondence Dunning
DFKKCOMAKTCorrespondence Dunning Activities
DFKKCORRRFDTCluster Table for Correspondence Data

Authorization Objects

Possible values

Function Modules / BAPI

Function ModuleDescriptionOther Info
EFG_PRINT Printworkbench: application form printingHere the generated function module of the application form is called with statement CALL FUNCTION l_genfunc
EFG_PRINT_EXPANDPrint workbench: print interface by using dispatch controlThis function module calls the EFG_PRINT.
FKKCORR_DFKKCOH_SELECTSelection function module for correspondencesHere the DFKKCOH select statement is located.
FKKCORR_PRINT_DFKKCOH_SETPrint correspondence requestThis function module sets the print information in database table DFKKCOH.
FKK_GET_ARC_CORRStructures of archived documents for GPART and VKONTCalls function module AS_API_READ to read archived correspondences


EventDescriptionSample Module
0295Returns: Process Contract Account
0700Correspondence: Print Returns
0701Correspondence: Create Returns
0702Correspondence: Print Account Statement
0703Correspondence: Create Account Statement
0704Correspondence: Print Dunning Notice
0705Correspondence: Create Dunning Notice
0706Correspondence: Print Billing Document
0707Correspondence: Create Billing Document
0708Correspondence: Print Installment Plan
0709Correspondence: Create Installment Plan
0710Correspondence: Print Payment Advice Note
0711Correspondence: Create Payment Advice Note
0712Correspondence: Print Interest
0713Correspondence: Create Interest
0714Correspondence: Print Quotations
0715Correspondence: Create Quotations
0716Correspondence: Print Security Request
0717Correspondence: Create Security Request
0718Correspondence: Print Account Information
0719Correspondence: Create Account Information
0720Correspondence: Print Pledgee Notification
0721Correspondence: Create Pledgee Notification
0722Correspondence: Free -> Print
0723Correspondence: Free -> Create
0724Mass Activity: Correspondence Printing, Move Parameters
0725Correspondence: Create Checks
0726Correspondence: Print Cash Sec.Dep.Interest
0727Correspondence: Create Cash Sec.Dep.Interest
0728Correspondence: Print Payment Forms for Instlmts
0729Correspondence:Create Payment Forms for Instlmts
0730Correspondence: Print Tax Office Certificate
0731Correspondence: Create Tax Office Certificate
0732Correspondence: Print Clearing Information
0733Correspondence: Create Clearing Information
0734Correspondence: Print Payment Plan Info
0735Correspondence: Create Payment Plan Info
0736Correspondence: Print Commission Documentation
0737Correspondence: Create Commission Documentation
0740Correspondence: Print Correspondence Dunning
0741Correspondence: Create Correspondence Dunning
0751Correspondence: Create Bal. Int. Calc. for Ins.Obj
0752Correspondence: Print Bal. Int. Calc. for Ins. Obj
0753Correspondence: Create FSCM Biller Direct Information
0754Correspondence: Print FSCM Biller Direct Information
0755Correspondence: Print Payment Form
0756Correspondence: Create Payment Form
0757Correspondence: Print Tax Exemption
0758Correspondence: Create Tax Exemption
0759Inbound Correspondence: General Actions
0760Correspondence: Sender Determination
0762Correspondence: Create Change Information
0763Correspondence: Print Change Information
0765Single Correspondence: Determine Charge Schedule
0766Correspondence: Print Request
0767Correspondence: Create Request
0768Correspondence: Determine Language
0770Correspondence: Recipient Determination
0773Correspondence: Determine Address Type
0774Correspondence: Determine Archive Identification
0775Correspondence: Dispatch Control Determination
0778Correspondence: Determine Application Form
0780Correspondence: Check Accuracy of Correspondence Procedure
0783Correspondence: Print Debit Memo Notification
0784Correspondence: Create Debit Memo Notification
0785Correspondence: Calculate Account Balances
0786Correspondence: Calculate Balances from Tfr Pstgs
0787Correspondence: Create/Print General Correspondence
0790Correspondence: Determine Due Date
0791Correspondence: Credit Clarification
0792Correspondence: Credit Clarification
0793Individual Correspondence: Data Assignment
0794Individual Correspondence: Entry Check
0795Individual Correspondence: Generation Call
0796Print Correspondence: Default User Parameters
0797Individual Correspondence: After Printing
0799Correspondence: Output Reason for Not Printing
0801Single Correspondence: Print Bank Letter
0802Single Correspondence: Create Bank Letter
0803Correspondence: Incorrect Bank Data
0804Correspondence: Incorrect Bank Data
0830Security Deposit: Form Printout
1130Correspondence: Document Attribute for Charges Determination
1384DMS: Filtering of Correspondence before Addition
1720Mass Activity: Correspondence Printing
1721Mass Activity: Correspondence Printing, Move Parameters
1746Mass Activity: Dunning Incoming Correspondence
1747Mass Activity: Dunning Incoming Correspondence, Move Params
1760Mass Activity: Print Installment Plans
1761Mass Activity: Installment Plan Printing (Move Parameters)
1830Mass Activity: Correspondence for Write-Offs
1831Mass Activity: Correspondence for Write-Offs, Move Params
1832Mass Activity: Correspondence for Write-Offs, Item Selection
1907Correspondence: Create Balance Notification for Account
1908Correspondence: Print Balance Notification for Account
1913Correspondence: Determine Contract Account for Partner
1914Correspondence: Print Master Data Change
1915Correspondence: Create Master Data Change
1916Correspondence: Master Data Change - Additional Data
1917Correspondence: Create Write-Off
1918Correspondence: Print Write-Off
2060Interest: Print
2823ICWC Documents: Conversion of Search Profile
2824ICWC Documents: Add Additional Correspondence Entries
3050Installment Plan: Print
6040Cash Desk: Print Receipts
6041Cash Desk: Create Receipt
6042Cash Desk: Print Receipt
6045Cash Desk: Print Closing
6046Cash Desk: Create Closing
6305Boleto: Print
9552Balance Confirmation: Check Balance
R765Account Change, Create Correspondence
R766Account Change, Print Correspondence
R810Correspondence: Print ISU Move-Out Document
R815Correspondence: Create ISU statement
R820Welcome Letter: Create Correspondence
R825Welcome Letter: Print Correspondence
R830Corresp.: ISU Tarif Change Letter -> Print
R835Corresp.: ISU Tarif Change Letter -> Create

*TFK070A tables tells which FI-CA event is called for a certain correspondence type.

Function GroupProgramDescription
FKK2SAPLFKK2FI-CA Correspondence: Container
FKK3SAPLFKK3FI-CA Correspondence - Converting Function
FKK4SAPLFKK4FI-CA Correspondence: Account Statements
FKK5SAPLFKK5FI-CA Correspondence: Dunning
FKK6SAPLFKK6FI-CA Correspondence: Installment Plan
FKK7SAPLFKK7FI-CA Correspondence: Installment Plan
FPAR02SAPLFPAR02FI-CA - Processing Archived Correspondence
FKK2FI-CA Correspondence: Container
FKKCContract Accounts Receivable and Payable: Correspondence
FKKCORRCorrespondence Tool

Archiving Object



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