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Mass Processing


Business processes that process large volumes of data, such as the payment or dunning run, are performed in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable by mass activities. Mass activities automatically distribute the dataset to be processed, such as a set of business partners or contract accounts, to several technical jobs and process them in parallel.

With the mass activity you can process large data volumes in the minimum amount of time. There are a lot of FI-CA functionalities which use the parallel data processing in mass runs. You can also create your own installation-specific mass activities.

All mass activities have a uniform layout. You enter data on the following tabs:

  • General Selections

  • Activity-Specific Selections

  • Technical Settings

  • Logs

On the Technical Settings tab, you can choose either an automatic load distribution made by the system, where you enter only the number of jobs, or an explicit load distribution.

For mass activities that post, such as dunning, payments, and interest calculations, you can define a reservation key for reconciliation keys in Customizing. This ensures that not all mass activities access the same origin key.

additional number ranges must be defined for mass processing business transactions (parallel) like (invoicing, payment run).

The key for the mass processing number range must begin with a letter. Since parallel mass background processes obtain their document numbers from these number range intervals, they must be defined based on the expected data volume and the number of parallel background processes.

Sample Transaction Codes

Transaction CodeDescription
FPSCHEDULERExecute Mass Activity
SLG1Application Log: Display Logs
SLG_ISULog Display for Parallel Mass Run

Sample Perocess Flow


> Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
> Technical Settings

Number Range Object

Posting Areas:

Posting AreaDescription


FKKDIHDRFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - header
FKKDIHDTMPFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of header
FKKDIJOBFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - table of jobs
FKKDIPOSFI-CA: Distribution of intervals - items
RFTDAccounting Data (INDX Structure)
TFK090AMass Activity Types

Authorization Objects

F_KKMA - authorization for the mass activity
F_KKVARI - processing of the variants

Possible values

Function Modules / BAPI

Function ModuleDescription


EventDescriptionSample Module
1792Mass Act: Delete Run ParametersFKK_SAMPLE_1792 ISU_SAMPLE_1792
1793Mass Activity: Copy Run ParametersFKK_SAMPLE_1793 ISU_SAMPLE_1793
1794Mass Activity: Change Run ParametersFKK_SAMPLE_1794 ISU_SAMPLE_1794
1795Mass Activity: Save Run ParametersFKK_SAMPLE_1795 ISU_SAMPLE_1795
1796Mass Activity: Event before First IntervalFKK_SAMPLE_1796 ISU_SAMPLE_1796
1797Mass Activity: Before First Process IntervalFKK_SAMPLE_1797 ISU_SAMPLE_1797
1798Mass Activity: After Last Process IntervalFKK_SAMPLE_1798 ISU_SAMPLE_1798
1799Mass Activity: Event after Very Last IntervalFKK_SAMPLE_1799 ISU_SAMPLE_1799
1900Job Control: Parameters from External Specifs (Standard)FKJO_SAMPLE_1900
1901Job Control: Parameters from Ext. Specifs (Parallel Jobs)FKJO_SAMPLE_1901
1902Job Control: Start of Process ChainFKJO_SAMPLE_1902
1903Job Control: Beginning of ContainerFKJO_SAMPLE_1903
1904Job Control: End of ContainerFKJO_SAMPLE_1904
1905Job Control: End of Process ChainFKJO_SAMPLE_1905
1906Job Control: Derive Parameters from Sample (Parallel Jobs)FKJO_SAMPLE_1906


RFKK_MASS_ACT_DISPATCHERDispatcher for Mass Activities
RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETERCopy and Move Parameter Records for Parallel Processing Jobs
RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER_DELETEDeletion of Deactivated Parameters for Mass Activity Runs
RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER_HIDEDeactivation of Parameters for Mass Activity Runs
RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER_UNHIDEActivation of Deactivated Parameters for Mass Activity Runs
RFKK_MASS_ACT_SINGLE_JOBActivity Processor - Job

Mass Run Parameters

607gc_ma_version_ERP2005_EhP5 20120101
607, SP4gc_ma_version_ERP2005_EhP7_SP4 20140423
608gc_ma_version_ERP2005_EhP8 20150701
609gc_ma_version_ERP2005_EhP9 20150901


FKKBContract A/R & A/P: Central Objects

Function Groups

Function GroupProgramShort Description
FKKAKTIV2SAPLFKKAKTIV2Tabstrip-Based Mass Activities
FKKAKTIVGENSAPLFKKAKTIVGENFI-CA Mass Activities: Table Maintenance Dialog


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